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Digital Content and Web Accessibility Policy

Web accessibility is the practice of removing barriers that inhibit persons with disabilities from accessing information found on the internet. In 2008, MSU released its Web Accessibility Policy. In brief, the policy requires all university web pages used to conduct core business to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0, a set of guidelines adopted by federal agencies and courts as the standard for accessibility.

This practice requires that all multimedia posted for students to be close captioned. Students are still able to watch and stream academic events as they occur, however, there is a necessary delay in the posting of this material to get it captioned. MSUCOM DO courses use a closed captioning service for their videos which takes up to 48 hours to complete after a live lecture. There may be times where machine automated closed captioning is done instead, which could make videos available sooner but with the potential for more transcription errors. Students should account for close captioning turn-around time when planning their self-study/asynchronous work schedules.

MSU is committed to facilitating access to university instruction, communication, research, and business processes, while enhancing community building for the broadest possible audience. The University strives to employ principles of Universal Design and uses the Web Accessibility Technical Guidelines (WA Technical Guidelines) and standards in the design, implementation, enhancement, and replacement of Web content and services. In doing so, MSU aims to improve access to both current and emerging technologies. The Digital Content and Accessibility team leads web accessibility initiatives and implementation at MSU. The MSU IT Digital Content & Accessibility team provides resources and tutorials for accessible web development, course and content development, and reviews and evaluations of technology products and software for the MSU community. More information regarding MSU’s Web Accessibility Policy and training programs can be found at

Email and NetID Policy

Each MSU student is issued an MSU NetID, which is used to access university platforms and systems. Each MSUCOM PA Medicine student will be issued an MSU email address; this address will serve as the official means of communication between the student and the College. It is the student’s responsibility to regularly review and respond to email notifications from the College.

The Department PA Medicine faculty approved this student handbook and policies on March 16, 2020.
Revised and approved by the Faculty of the Department of PA Medicine on 3/19/2021, 3/15/2022, 4/18/2023, 12/17/24.