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Timeline for Enrollment

Should you be accepted to Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine Department of PA Medicine Program, you will receive detailed instructions on the enrollment, or matriculation process.  Below are a few important milestones to keep in mind.

End of April

  • Offers of admission to waitlisted students may be made through the start of classes in May each year.
  • All required undergraduate courses must be completed and verified Graduation of a Bachelors degree with official transcripts prior to PA Medicine start of classes.


  • Orientation for the entering class.
  • Orientation essentials must be purchased, including:  student society class dues (if applicable), medical supplies, nametags, scrubs and lab coat. U.S. candidates may have financial aid funds budgeted toward some of these costs in your financial aid award
  • Enrollment compliances (fingerprinting, background check and immunizations) must be met prior to due dates in the Exxat program portal.


  • Convocation (White Coat Ceremony)