Student Work Policy
Due to the academic rigor and time intensive nature of the Michigan State University PA Medicine Program, students are strongly discouraged from working while enrolled in the program. Those students who choose to work while in school are expected to attend scheduled classes and fulfill all stated criteria of the program. Performance and attendance policies are to be upheld as stated in this handbook. A student who chooses to work may not miss, be tardy or reschedule classes, labs, exams, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations. The student may not switch classes, labs, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations. Academic standards must be upheld, and no make-up classes, labs or exams will be offered. If the student’s academic or clinical performance deteriorates or falls below the program minimum acceptable standards a referral to the promotion committee will occur. Failure to abide by this policy is grounds for referral to the Promotion Committee and may lead to dismissal from the program.
PA Medicine Students are not permitted to work for Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine or the PA Medicine program in any capacity. PA Medicine students may not substitute for or function as instructional faculty, clinical or administrative staff in the program.
PA Medicine students may not function as a clinical or administrative staff while on a clinical rotation or be hired as a physician assistant employee for any private or public health care practice to perform medical services while enrolled in courses in the PA Medicine Program curriculum including the student’s clinical rotations. In addition, students may not take the responsibility or place of qualified staff in any medical setting. Students may not accept any payments, stipends or other remuneration for medical services performed as a student enrolled in the PA Medicine Program. Students may volunteer their medical services to charitable, humanitarian or community service organizations when such services are assigned or approved by the MSUCOM PA Medicine Program.
The Department PA Medicine faculty approved this student handbook and policies on March 16, 2020.
Revised and approved by the Faculty of the Department of PA Medicine on 3/19/2021, 3/15/2022, 4/18/2023, 12/17/24.