Mistreatment Policy
MSUCOM Department of PA Medicine is dedicated to maintaining a positive environment for study and training, in which students can pursue educational and professional activities in an inclusive, humane, respectful environment. Mistreatment is considered destructive of the principles that guide the mission, vision, and goals of the program. The Department of PA Medicine defines mistreatment as a student being treated unfairly or used in a capacity that is not considered reasonable. When assessing behavior that might represent mistreatment, students are expected to consider the conditions, circumstances, and environment surrounding such behavior.
Procedure: When mistreatment is believed to have occurred, the initial step is to report the concern. All members of the program are encouraged to report incidents of mistreatment. Those who wish to report a concern are advised to seek out any faculty member in the Department of Medicine, including the Program Director or Medical Director, or the Senior Associate Dean of Student Life and Admissions to discuss an allegation of mistreatment. Informal resolution will be sought out in this manner. Students who experience mistreatment on a clinical rotation should seek out the Clinical Coordinator.
If a student wishes to file a formal complaint, which is often the final step in an effort to resolve concerns, a consultation with a University Ombudsperson is strongly encouraged. The Ombudsperson can assist the student and provide the proper avenue for filing the complaint. The Medical Students Rights and Responsibilities policy contains additional information about filing a formal complaint (sections 5.2 and 5.3)
The Department PA Medicine faculty approved this student handbook and policies on March 16, 2020.
Revised and approved by the Faculty of the Department of PA Medicine on 3/19/2021, 3/15/2022, 4/18/2023, 12/17/24.