Bruce Dobey, PA-C, MHS

Assistant Professor
Assessment & Evaluation Coordinator
909 Wilson Road
West Fee Hall, B429A
East Lansing, MI, MI 48824
Professor Dobey earned a Bachelor of Science from Oklahoma State University where he developed a strong appreciation for the land-grant university mission and philosophy. This identification with the land-grant mission continues to influence Professor Dobey’s academic and professional interests including development and implementation of academic technology, innovation in medical education, data-driven education quality improvement, meeting underserved community needs, and global health.
As a physician assistant, Professor Dobey’s clinical practice has included family medicine, trauma surgery, orthopedics, and student/employee health. Prior to Professor Dobey’s initial PA faculty appointment, he served in multiple educational roles including Fire/Rescue training officer, EMS educator, and environmental health and safety training.
Professor Dobey enjoys membership with the American Academy of PAs, the Physician Assistant Education Association, and the Oklahoma Academy of Physician Assistants. He lives with his family in the East Lansing area and enjoys growing things and all outdoor activities.